AMES is a non-profit organisation and charity promoting media education in Scotland.
We were established in 1983 and has continued to campaigned, encouraged and supported media education.
The Media Education Journal (MEJ) is published twice a year with articles and reviews demonstrating the potential of media education.
We also run a conference which allows media educators from all sectors to network, discuss ideas and continue to develop pedagogy, theory and practice.
To join AMES, click here.
For information and a sample MEJ, click here.
Member's resources are available here.
MEJ 75
The delayed issue of MEJ 75 should be with you now. Articles on Exodus, Top Gun Maverick vs Born to Fly and teaching the Holocaust as well as reviews.
October newsletter should be with you all now. You can also read it here.
The 2024 AMES Annual Report and Accounts can be read here.
"Information Overlord": Role of the Media and Changes was fantastic. Watch out for report in MEJ 75 and email containing the link to all resources for attendees. Thank you to everyone who attended and everyone who presented!